SRB – Media for the detection of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
The NACE standard (TMO 194-2004) media for the detection of SRB in oil and gas systems. Considered by most in the industry to be the more sensitive SRB media relative to API-RP38 media. This media is anaerobic and does not contain an iron nail, it instead utilizes dissolved iron for the detection of sulfate reduction. This media will turn pink when oxygen is introduced to the vial.
Anaerobic bacterial growth media, such as modified Postgate’s B (MPB) and API-RP38 (API) for the detection of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) is extremely sensitive to oxygen exposure. Biotechnology Solutions anaerobic bacterial growth media is manufactured inside custom built anaerobic chambers to ensure the highest quality bacterial growth media products.
If the fluids injected into the vial contain high levels of dissolved sulfide, the first one to two vials in the dilution series may turn black. This is a false positive. If vials precipitate iron sulfide immediately, or within an hour, these vials should be recorded as false positives for SRB activity.
Additional information
TDS | 0.5%, 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 15%, 20% |
Media | Acid Producing Bacteria (APB), Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) |
Aerobic | Aerobic, Anaerobic |
Box Size | 1 Cases (288 vials) |